Free Website

Grow your business now with WFN

Having a transactional website with us is FREE without any risk!

You only pay 10% commission for online orders. Orders generated by phone are 100% yours.

We take care of your Website all year long, nothing to do! With this offer, keep you actual website and have two websites for higher chance getting orders.

Our gift to your Flower Shop

Having a Free Website managed completely by our staff based on performance is a gift that WFN is offering to local flower shop.

Credit Card processing

Using the payment gateway Stripe, all transaction going through your website will be deposed directly into your bank account. Stripe offers a no monthly fee, no contract services.

Website 24/7

Your websites work for you. Opened 24/7, all customers all around the world can place their order on your transactional website bringing more businnes for you.


Be informed via SMS or email for every new order coming from your website.


Easily, you can manage the product availability & pricing so your customers pay and get what they order.


Manage easily the delivery price for every cities served.